Abandoned Coruscant? Wait, What?!

"The city planet of Coruscant—it shines brightly on the surface, but its depths are a haven for scum and villainy."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Clone Wars

Did You Know?

Adam Driver (Kylo Ren in Star Wars) is an Ex-Marine and founder of Arts in the Armed Forces. The AITAF provide high-quality theater programming for active duty service members, veterans and their families.

Reader 👋

Have you ever come across an unused Star Wars scene and thought, “Why didn’t they include this?!” That was me when I found out about Kylo Ren’s deleted trip to an abandoned Coruscant in The Rise of Skywalker.

Picture this: Kylo walking through the ruins of a dead planet, dust everywhere, and giant wolves stalking the streets. It’s eerie, intense, and so unlike anything we saw in the final cut.

Let’s dive into this alternate take—it’s too cool not to share. 😍👇

Unused Sequence From The Rise of Skywalker Saw Kylo Ren Visiting an Abandoned Coruscant Which Is Now Overrun by Giant Wolves

The plot is that Ren travels to Coruscant to visit the Jedi Temple, apparently looking for something there. However, what he finds is a “dead” planet “full of dust” that is now “overrun by giant wolves.”

I Had NO Idea That Some of the ‘Props’ Were Actually Paintings in the Original Trilogy (’77–’83)

We may not remember, but there was a time before CGI. The original Star Wars films had to rely on artist-created visual effects, instead of computer-generated imagery.

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In AOTC, Did the Guy Trying to Sell Obi-Wan Death Sticks Actually Go Home and Rethink His Life or Not?

Well, according to what I’ve found out after some deep dives into Star Wars comics, the answer is a surprising “yes!” 😆👇

Hot Take: Stop Blaming The Last Jedi. The Force Awakens Was What Really Derailed the Sequel Trilogy

While The Last Jedi definitely took risks that didn’t sit well with everyone, I really think the issue with the sequel trilogy started with The Force Awakens. 🤔

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter - if you have anything at all you’d like to ask, share, or say, just hit Reply and let me know.

May the Force be with you,


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