Why Didn’t Anakin Just Walk Onto The Land And Fight Obi-Wan?

"It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground!"
– Obi-Wan Kenobi, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Did You Know?

George Lucas made the working title of Star Wars Episode II "Jar Jar's Great Adventure" to troll the cast and crew, even labeling the script as such in the original drafts. (source)

Hey Reader, it’s Vance here! 👋

When I was a kid, I never questioned Anakin’s leap. It looked cool. The dramatic flip, the blue sabers clashing, it was peak Star Wars.

But as I got older and rewatched Revenge of the Sith (more times than I care to admit), I had one burning question: Why didn’t Anakin just walk up the hill?! Like, there’s literally a path!

The more I thought about it, the more I realized—this wasn’t just a bad tactical move, it was a reflection of who Anakin had become. 🤯

Why Didn’t Anakin Just Walk Onto The Land And Fight Obi-Wan?

Instead, he attempted that dramatic leap, which led to his defeat. 🤦

How Darth Vader Begged Obi-Wan Kenobi For Forgiveness

When I came across this scene in Darth Vader #5, I had to stop and process what I was seeing. 🤯

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When Samuel L. Jackson was hired on for The Phantom Menace, due to the unusually high level of security surrounding the production he had no idea what he would be doing in the film, nor any idea of how large his role would be; all he was told in advance was to show up in London on a specific date to begin filming. As Jackson remembers of the experience:

"They called and said, 'George Lucas wants you to come to London, finally going to do Star Wars: Episode 1'. When I walked in the room I had no idea why I was there. I had not seen a script, nothing. They just said, 'Go to wardrobe first', and I walked in this room, and I thought this was somebody else's dressing room because there were some boots there, and there was a Jedi robe, and then this girl came in and started putting stuff on me, I was like "....... WOAH! I'M A JEDI!!?!?" 'Cause I still hadn't seen a script!"

"And then I walk downstairs, and this guy comes over with a Haliburton case and he opens it, and there's like eight lightsaber handles in there, and he goes 'You can pick one.' I went, 'AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!' I just about passed out."

(source: Craig Hansen)

What Galaxy Are Luke and Leia Viewing at the End of The Empire Strikes Back?

Some believe it’s a galaxy far, far away, while others argue it’s a protostar—a young star in formation. 🤔

In a recent discussion, Daisy Ridley revealed that she was a big fan of the original plan for her character.👇

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter.

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May the Force be with you,


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